News & Articles

‘Rowing for Rosie’ event at CrossFit Carroll raises over $1,000
Carroll Times Herald
Carroll, IA - 11/23/2022
Kids with a rare neurological disorder converged in Houston to meet others from around the world
Houston Chronicle
Houston, TX - 8/2/2022
Finding the right diagnosis for one child can help millions more
Texas Children's Hospital/Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute
Houston, TX - 5/16/2022
Inclusive School: There is still effort to be made
Top Sante, Issue 379: April 2022 Edition
Montrouge, France - 3/1/2022
Translated with original article included
February is HADDS Awareness Month: Local family raises awareness about HADDS
Bancroft, Ontario Canada - 2/25/2022

À Mailly-Maillet, la chienne Noisette a changé la vie de Maxime, 7 ans, touché par une maladie génétique (Translated Title: In Mailly-Maillet, the dog Noisette changed Maxime's life, 7 years old, affected by a genetic disease)
Courrier Picard, Amiens, France - 2/9/2021
Translated side-by-side article with original reference link​

The Foundation Collaborates to Publish the First HADDS Book:
Abled: Same But Different
EBF3 HADDS Foundation, Houston, TX - 8/13/2020
The Foundation Confirmed its 2020-2021 Board of Directors
EBF3 HADDS Foundation, Houston, TX - 7/20/2020
Chao awarded Philip R. Dodge Young Investigator Award
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX - 6/30/ 2020
The EBF3 HADDS Foundation Turns One and Celebrates Growing Community with HADDS Awareness Month in February
EBF3 HADDS Foundation, Houston, TX - 1/26/2020
A brother's love: Researching for a cure
Texas A&M University - 9/24/2019
Blake Barney | 2019 CMN Miracle Child
Children's Miracle Network Hospital, Salt Lake City, UT - 7/31/2019
Video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9iDUg-l00uM
Texas Children’s hosts inaugural family conference for EBF3-HADD syndrome
Texas Children's Hospital / NRI - 8/26/2019
Hazlet sixth-graders design motorized mini-car for 2-year-old with special needs
USA Today - App. - 4/16/2019
Dr. Hsiao-Tuan Chao named new McNair Scholar
Baylor College of Medicine - 3/13/2019
The EBF3-HADDS Foundation becomes an official 501c3 Non-Profit!
Easterseals is making a difference for kids and their families
WUSA Eye-9 News - 2/6/2019
Cylindrical spirals in two families: Clinical and genetic investigations
University of Western Australia - 12/25/2019
2019 Children's Miracle Network's 'Miracle Child' revealed
CBS-19 News - 11/27/18
16-month-old Tyler girl is ‘Miracle Child’ for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals
KLTV - News - 11/27/18
NIH's Undiagnosed Diseases Network Identifies 31 New Syndromes
BioSpace - 10/11/2018
Dr. Hsiao-Tuan Chao awarded NIH Director's High-Risk, High-Reward grant
Baylor College of Medicine - 10/2/2018
How fruit flies helped to find a diagnosis for my daughter
Texas Children’s Hospital - 8/2/2017