HADDS Resources
Use these resources for distribution at community and fundraising events or for those recently diagnosed.
The HADDS Educational Packet (available in English and Portuguese) is to be used for distribution to those newly diagnosed, healthcare providers and to others interested in learning more about the syndrome. Traduzido para português!
To order a printed copy of Understanding HADDS click here. It is a wonderful resource to reference, have on your coffee table or give to family members, therapist or physicians, etc.
The Chao Lab has created a fantastic visual overview of what HADDS is and how it can display. Available in English, Portuguese and Spanish.
The HADDS Quick Guide describes the syndrome, highlights the growing community and speaks to the ongoing research, and its long-term impact on our community. Translations in Arabic, English, German, Italian and Spanish.
HADDS School Awareness Packet was designed for February's HADDS Awareness Month, but could be used year round. The packet has ideas and a checklist. Click for a video about HADDS for School age children.
Watch Dr. Chao, Dr. Wangler and Dr. Bellen discuss rare gene fruit fly/mice research and EBF3-HADDS.
Do you have a 10q deletion or other EBF3 related condition?
Check out our 10q resource page!
After receiving a diagnosis, there are many questions and many revolve around understanding the genetics and the test results, so you can determine next steps. This webinar, hosted by Pilar Magoulas, MS, CGC, provides a brief genetics 101, details the types of genetic tests, how to read the results and answers a few common questions.